
Why almost 95% of bloggers fail to make blogging a career? – Best blogging niche that earns money

How to pick up a blog niche for success in 2021

This post is going to be one of the most beneficial and interesting post for everyone. And I am sure, if you are a blogger or planning to start a blog then you will give your time to read this post.

Because this post can change your blogging career. Here in this post, we are going to discuss all the basic details about blogging and related niche. Earlier we had posted an article on How to write a high engaging blog post and to start a blog you have to first select a niche, so for that we have posted a 100+ blog niche for you.

There are countless people who started a blog to earn huge amount and left without enjoying the glory of blogging.

Do you know why people leave blogging before enjoying the world of blogging?

When I tried to find out the reasons – I talked to many newbies bloggers and read out many forums, 99% of them echoed the same voice that is:

  • I quit blogging because I could not drive surplus traffic.
  • I quit blogging because I was not making money from it.
  • I quit blogging because there is huge competition in almost every niche.
  • I quit blogging because I was unsuccessful.
  • I quit blogging because I was unlucky.

It saddened me to read this because I know that the problem is not their hard work, but their lack of understanding of profitable blogging in general, and zero understanding of the blog niche in particular.

Do you believe that these can be justifiable reasons why one should quit blogging?

I personally believe that this should not be the cause for an obsessive blogger. If you are facing these problems, it means that you lack some skills that you need to find out. You need to find out what could be the proper reason for your not being successful.

Let’s consider a case that you are not getting good traffic to your blog – in this case, you need to check whether your article has enough word count or your article follows SEO rules to rank in SERP. To overcome these types of problems you should refer our post 15 Best Proven Ways to Increase Traffic to Blog Globally in No Time.

Today I am going to discuss with you guys the secret of successful blogging which is the selection of profitable niche.

Mark my words and take a cup of tea or coffee and read this article very carefully. If you read every word with the goal of learning something new, not only will you be successful with your next blog, but you’ll also avoid those niche selection mistakes that so many bloggers make.

Best Blogging Niche Selection That Earns Huge Money And Organic Traffic

Look, before we get into our today’s topic Best Blogging Niche, you should first know what exactly is a blogging niche and what is the importance of a blogging niche?

The best way to describe the blog niche is – What is your blog topic and in fact what is your blog all about? If you want to know it in simple words, I would say blog niche is the mirror of your blog that reflects the content of your blog.

Most Mistakes in Niche Selection?

There is a huge list of mistakes that most bloggers make frequently. But here I will discuss about some of them which are very important and every blogger should know this.

Selection of Generic niche

A Generic niche is a very broad niche that is highly competitive and very difficult to rank for a newbies blogger. For example: Health, Technology, Fashion niches etc. For a successful blogging one should focus on narrow niches within the broad niches.

This alone will ensure your blog’s success in terms of popularity, traffic, and revenue.

You also become a specialized expert because you will devote a significant amount of time to researching, learning, and writing about a specific issue.

Example of Generic niches Vs Narrow niches
  • Fashion Vs Men Styling
  • Technology Vs Technology for Apple users
  • Health Vs Weight control
  • Gaming Stuff Vs Gaming table

Monetization Options

Most of the bloggers get engaged in blogging by focusing only on Adsense. But this is due to the lack of information among bloggers – this should not be the criterion for selecting a profitable niche.

Bloggers need to broaden their horizons and focus on a niche that offers an alternative to more monetization opportunities.

More Monetization Options
  • Merchandising
  • Online courses
  • Affiliate programs
  • Direct advertisers

Content Without Research (Keyword)

If you want to turn your writing into a long-term business, you need to take the time to research and analyze data before settling on a specialty.

It is possible that you will need a few days to get your blog up and running. However, doing this exercise can help you reaffirm your idea and ensure that your selection is not solely based on passion and visceral sensations.

On the other hand, having a gut feeling isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you’re well-nourished with the right facts before setting up your blog.

Benefits of niche selection

Huge Organic Traffic

Because you will be using data to help you choose a niche, you will be more likely to build a high-traffic blog. You are also more likely to be rewarded by Google in terms of organic traffic because you are working in a laser-focused field.

Loyal Users

You can attract like-minded users by staying in the right area. Because your blog will be on a specific issue, having the appropriate location will allow you to attract people who share your interests.

If your blog is focused on a single topic, your audience will be more inclined to stick around.

You will notice that your bounce rate is low and your average is high. With the passage of time, your community will grow. This whole process may seem slow at first, but everything will turn out in the end.

Easier Marketing

This alone should persuade you to devote a significant amount of time to selecting a location. Your marketing efforts will be a little easier with a focused blog than with a non-focused blog, and you will see better returns with less effort.

Basic principles to select a niche for your blog

Blog niche as per your interest

Choose a position based on your past experiences, hobbies and learning, current interests, reading and learning, and life achievements. For example, if you’ve lost weight, you might consider setting up a health blog, or if you’ve achieved financial independence, you might consider starting a finance blog.

I do this by compiling a list of topics that interest me and then filtering the results using the additional criteria below.

This assures that the niche you choose is not just something you enjoy but is also profitable in the long run.

Low competition niche

Another element to consider before choosing a niche is competition. You should stay away from highly competitive niches, as there are many other webmasters working on the same project.

This is the most important principle to remember when choosing a niche. Your goal should be to choose a location that isn’t overly competitive and doesn’t get a lot of traffic. Furthermore, it has the potential to evolve over time in order to fully understand it.

Area Of Expertise

While enthusiasm is a fantastic compass for identifying a great focus, you should also consider your existing expertise when choosing a specialty. Expertise is a criterion you should consider, especially because so many websites rely on Google search to attract visitors.

Google made it obvious a few years ago that when ranking a webpage, they consider the author’s competence. You will be rewarded with more organic visitors if you have a higher position, which will help you succeed in your blogging activity.

In fact, Google went a step further and started de-ranking websites where the knowledge isn’t immediately apparent, particularly in the areas of health, banking, and money.

The general areas, such as fashion and technology, are doing well right now, but we can’t guarantee that they will continue to do so in the near future. Your credentials and formal position (e.g., engineer, doctor, management degree) should be taken into account.

If you don’t have one of these, stay away from places where credentials are important. There is a solution to this problem, but it is not as simple as it first appears. So, if you’re passionate about anything, think about finding a site where you can showcase your knowledge or hiring professional writers.

Conclusion: Best blogging niche selection

This guide should be used as a starting point for your niche search, but it should not be the only item you consider. Outliers that appear unfathomable are common, and you should account for them.

Nonetheless, some concepts, such as using data to evaluate your niche selection notion, will ensure that you do not make the same common selection errors as others.

In the real world, learning all of this information would cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. You are studying it for free right now, but if you overlook a single fundamental of the niche selection process, all of your hard work will be for naught.

If you’ve a blog in a specific niche, you may utilise this guide to repurpose it. This way, you will not only establish proof of your future success, but you will also avoid becoming one of the many bloggers who have given up blogging due to poor niche selection.


Greetings to everyone. I am Karuna Singh, I am a writer and blogger since 2018. I have written 1250+ articles and generated targeted traffic. Through this blog blogEarns, I want to help many fellow bloggers at every stage of their blogging journey and create a passive income stream from their blog.

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